With up to 90MW of power available immediately plus all major utilities on-site, Triangle Innovation Point West is positioned to accommodate a wide variety of users that require heavy power & robust infrastructure with accelerated speed to market.
Up to 90MW available via 115 kVA existing substation on the property, plus two 230 kVA circuits approximately 1-mile south of the site. Power delivery from 230 kVA lines is 36-42 months subject to generation availability, and a load study was completed by Duke Energy in January 2025.
Duke Energy Progress provides clean and reliable energy to the property. Triangle Innovation Point West is located less than 10 miles from the Shearon Harris Power Plant and has a transmission line running through the southern edge of the site.
Natural Gas
PSNC Energy provides natural gas to the site through a 6" line with 350 psig that runs through the northern and southern edges of the property.
Up to 800,000 GPD of water capacity by TriRiver Water is available via a 12” line running along the western edge of the site. Construction is underway to install a 36” transmission main from the WWTP located on the northeastern portion of the property.
TriRiver Water is extending a sewer line to the southeast boundary of Triangle Innovation Point. This will provide capacity for over 700,000 GPD served by a 36” gravity sewer line located at Old US Highway 1. A 15” gravity sewer line extends north through the property and discharges into the 36” line. Permits are in place allowing the discharge of up to 244,000 GPD of treated water into the Haw River.
Multiple fiber providers (local & long haul) surround Triangle Innovation Point West including Arelion - North America, Sprint, Windstream, AT&T and Verizon.